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  • 谢志华
  • 来源: 更新时间:2024-03-29 21:45:00 点击数:次 字体:【

  • 谢志华





    谢志华,男,中共党员,教授,博士研究生,美国罗切斯特理工大学图像科学中心访问学者。中国计算机学会会员。在Optics ExpressApplied Intelligence, Multimedia Tools and Applications journal of Electronic imagingOptical Engineering、中国图象图形学报、计算机科学、小型微型计算机系统等国内外核心刊物发表论文50余篇;主持国家自然科学基金课题3项,省部级课题3项。承担本科生的数据结构、数字图像处理、数学物理方法和研究生的小波变换、机器学习、模式识别等课程的教学


    1. Zhihua Xie*, Yi Li, Jieyi Niu, Ling Shi, Zhipeng Wang, and Guoyu Lu, Hyperspectral face recognition based on sparse spectral attention deep neural networks. Optics Express, 2020, 28(24): 36286- 36303.

    (Published on: 06 November 2020)

    (https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.404793 ).

    2. Jieyi NiuZhihua Xie*Yi LiSijia ChengJiawei Fan. Scale fusion light CNN for hyperspectral face recognition with knowledge distillation and attention mechanism. 2022,52:6181–6195.

    (Published on: 03 September 2021)


    3. Xie Zhihua*, Zong Shua., Li Qiang, Liu Guodong. Interactive residual coordinate attention and contrastive learning for infrared and visible image fusion in triple frequency bands. Sci Rep, 2024,14:90.

    (Published on: 03 January 2024)

    (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-51045-9 )

    4. Xie Zhihua*, Niu Jieyi, Li Yi. Regularization and attention feature distillation base on light CNN for Hyperspectral face recognition. Multimedia Tools Appl, 2022, 81: 19151–19167.

    (Published on:22 January 2021)


    5. Zhihua Xie*, Ling Shi, Sijia Cheng, Jiawei Fan, and Hualin Zhan. Micro-expression recognition based on deep capsule adversarial domain adaptation network. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2022, 31(1): 013021.

    (Published on: 7 February 2022)

    (https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JEI.31.1.013021 )